Value Of A College Education In The United States

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For Americans, the dream doesn’t come easy. Many people are left short because of the lack of resources, money, and even education. Not the basic elementary education, but a college education. “The aim of a college education is to teach you to know a good man when you see one (William James).” The like American Philosopher, William James, many good men truly new the value of a college education. A value worth holding to experience the dream. Having a college education is important for everyone. A college education fosters opportunities for people to generate, share, and establish knowledge, skills, and standards that build our country politically and economically. College educated people are equipped with intangible skills that elevate their readiness for the business world. Intangible skills …show more content…

“In the 2004 presidential election, 76 percent of U.S. citizens who were college graduates between ages 25 and 44 reported voting, compared to 49 percent of high school graduates. Among citizens between ages 45 and 64, 83 percent of college graduates and 63 percent of high school graduates reported voting. (U.S. Census Bureau Table 5, 1)” People with a college education are responsible, as it shows, and will always strive to improve their communities and the nation in which they live. With a college education, one will improve their way of life, benefiting the community around them. Not only will they become knowledgeable, but will ultimately earn satisfying jobs and enrich themselves. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, among workers ages 25-34 who have an associate’s degree or higher, the average full-time year-round wage is around $30,000 to $65,000. Those with less or equivalent to a high school diploma average less than $30,000. Within three to four years, a college educated worker will easily earn $100,000 to $200,000 in annual

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