Valley Forge Dbq Analysis

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Valley Forge, was the toughest obstacle the Continental Army had to face during the Revolutionary War. For about nine months in the cold winter, these soldiers stayed in this area for them to"... be close enough to Philadelphia to keep an eye on the British"(Background). By the end of the war, the colonists were victorious in gaining their independence. Regardless, I would abandon my position as a soldier at Valley Forge. My reasoning are due to the multiple hardship they endure such as living in a harsh environment, sickness that lead to death and lacked numerous resources. The soldiers lacked basic necessities such as clothing and food. In Document B it Dr. Albigence Waldo states, "There comes a Soldier, his bare feet are seen thro' his worn out Shoes, his legs nearly naked from the tatter'd remains of an only pair of stocks". In other words, these soldiers clothing were very worn out due to being used so often and were not provided with brand new attire. Since there were many mouths to feed, food became scarce, which left many soldiers starving. Around the camp soldiers cry …show more content…

Connecticut surgeon, Dr. Albigence Waldo, was one of the surgeons who helped care for sick soldiers at Valley Forge. Throughout his stay, he felt "... Sick - discontented- and out of humor"(Document C). Dr. Waldo journal entry further explains what he had to see and go through every day. The "... fatigue, Nasty Cloaths, nasty Cookery..." made him "vomit half his time"(Document C). Just reading this surgeon experience, I can't imagine myself surviving one day in a hut especially with other people. Keep in mind that in "Each hut slept twelve men"(background). For all I know one of them could have been sick. Now everyone is more vulnerable within the hut because there are no windows which leads to having poor ventilation. Everyone just breathes in the same air. This is why many people were dying; germs were being passed around in the

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