Vaccines For Children Persuasive Essay

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Each year, approximately 3 million people die from vaccine-preventable diseases, about 2.3 million are children. Millions of children die each year from something that their parents could have prevented. Vaccinations have been scientifically proven effective in preventing and eliminating many diseases. Yet only about 72.2% or children get the recommended 7-vaccine series of shots (Centers for Disease Control). Vaccines should be required for children because they protect the community from deadly diseases, boost the economy, and have eliminated many diseases that could come back. Vaccinating children helps boost the economy. Requiring vaccinations saves the country trillions of dollars by preventing lost productivity due to disabilities and early death. The United States alone saves around $1.38 trillion yearly from vaccinations. By requiring vaccines for children we protect the community from deadly diseases. In 2011, 49 states did not meet …show more content…

Some believe that because these diseases, such as polio, have not occurred for years, it is harmful to still be vaccinating for them. It is true vaccines have eliminated many diseases in the US, but not in all of the countries around the world. In fact, many deadly diseases like polio haven’t been eradicated in some countries including, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. In 2017 there were twenty-two reported cases of polio around the world (Ochmann). Travel to a few of these countries is still legal, meaning that there is still a possibility of diseases coming back to the US. “It takes only one traveler with polio to bring the disease into the United States. The best way to keep the United States polio-free is to maintain high immunity (protection) in the population against polio through vaccination” (Centers for Disease Control). By requiring the polio vaccine, the United States has gone from thousands of cases per year down to

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