Persuasive Essay On The Importance Of Vaccines

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Although many people get vaccines when they are very young, it is important that everyone makes sure that they are up-to-date on all of their vaccines whether they are teens or adults. According to the CDC it is never too late to get vaccinated, whether you missed a vaccine or did not get all of the required booster shots. Vaccine preventable diseases have not gone away even though many do not infect the large numbers of people that they once did. It is important to make sure that you are protected against these diseases as some can make you very sick or even kill you. It is also important that you do not spread illnesses to your friends and family. Many people think that some diseases like polio are no longer around. This is not true. …show more content…

A simple shot, or series of shots, can prevent you from having a lifetime of pain or even prevent early death. Although many people fear shots, a quick shot is better than a lifetime of pain or being crippled or sick all the time. It can also prevent a premature death. Another reason to make sure you have all your vaccines is to protect the people around you. These are communicable diseases and they are spread from people to people. It is important that you don’t spread these diseases to your family and friends. You wouldn’t want to make them sick if you can avoid it by getting vaccinated. It only takes a little time to make sure your vaccines are up-to date. It seems like it is never the right time to get caught up on all your vaccines but the best time to set up the appointment is now while you’re thinking of it. These diseases did not go away. They are still found around the world and people visit our country all the time and can bring those diseases with them. It is important that you did this to make sure you are safe and live a healthy life. It is also important to make sure that you keep everyone around you safe also. Please make your appointment

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