Users Should Be Held Responsible For Privacy Issues

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1. Do you think that Facebook or careless, uninformed users should be held responsible for privacy issues related to using Facebook? Explain.
In that case I would say that Facebook has more responsibilities comparing to just uninformed users. One of the responsibilities of the company should be a campaign focused on making people understand what their responsibilities are and what are the responsibilities of Facebook. One of the inventions that I would see logical, is to make users sign some sort of “contract” every time Facebook implements something new. So, once the new settings, or privacy rules take effect, users, when logging in to Facebook should be asked to read and sign the agreement. It should describe in details what is new and what …show more content…

What additional measures should Facebook take to protect user privacy? What additional actions are required on the part of Facebook users to maintain adequate privacy?
To better protect user privacy, Facebook need to limit the connection with other companies and branches. For example, connection with credit card companies sounds pretty intimidating. It makes people think that their each step is being tracked. When you go shopping, and buy a shaving razer, then you come home, log in to Facebook, and see the advertisement, specifically for you about this same razer. That makes you think “How do they know I am interested in it? Do they follow every step that I take?” With that said, Facebook should have its own “field” of play, Instagram its own, and credit card companies definitely need to be separate from all of this social media. And as I said in my previous answer, Facebook needs to make sure that users clearly understand what their own responsibilities are, and what the provider is responsible …show more content…

It is a great tool of communicating with friends and family, and if this is the main purpose you are using Facebook for, there should not be too many privacy issues. But I can try to fantasize about the possible privacy issue that would actually make me think about quitting. One of the examples would be, if my friends could see what I bought in the store or over the internet, because my credit card purchases are connected to my Facebook account. Another possible example would be if Facebook was constantly tracking my current location and everyone else could see it, and me being unaware of it. I feel like these examples would be some serious privacy violations, and that is why I don’t think that would ever happen. However, in case if that did happen, I would have to give up all the benefits from using Facebook, and quit. That type of information definitely needs to be

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