Unrealistic Beauty Standards

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Are you confident enough to share the “real” you online? A survey conducted with 1710 participants, has revealed that 50% of the participants confessed to using a face enhancing application, before posting the picture on social media ("Afraid To Be Your Selfie? Survey Reveals Most People Photoshop”, 2014). Statistics revealed that men edit their pictures as frequently as women, this could be fixing blemishes or completely transforming the picture ("PicMonkey Survey Reveals Photo Editing Habits of Men and Women", 2014). Standards of beauty are greatly influenced by social media with the rise of feature enhancing applications, enforcement of unrealistic standards, and through the increase of societal conformity.

Advancement of technology has …show more content…

With the developments of the internet, and frequent use of social media beauty standards are getting corrupted. There are various types users, and their intentions differ. Users are known to share their images on online platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more. The images they share online may have a negative impact on the users that view them. In social media, the appearance of thin bodies is known to have a negative impact on its users. On a daily basis, tons of images of individuals are shared online. An online survey was conducted with questions regarding internet addiction, internet appearance exposure, body image and self-esteem. The results showed that excessive use of the internet was correlated with the desire for thin body image, and a decrease in self-esteem in which may was found to cause body image concerns, and enforcement of thin-ideal body shape ideology on the participants (Stanley, Barn & Short, 2015). The reinforcement of these unrealistic beauty standards doesn't end online. Mass media is known to have a negative impact as well. Magazines, television all enforce an ideal body image. Models in magazines are also portrayed as unrealistically thin figured. Specifically, in a study conducted with 144 female undergraduates showed that exposure to thin images intensified body discontentment and negative mood (Tiggemann, Polivy & Hargreaves, 2009). Therefore, …show more content…

Societal conformity refers to the idea of alternation of thoughts and behavior to what is considered to be “liked” or “true” in the society. Celebrities and online influencers are greatly influencing the fashion trends, perceptions of beauty and creating norms. At times trends are created and enforced by them. With this power, they are able to manipulate what is acceptable in beauty standards. Feather eyebrow trend was created by a makeup artist who has a big influence on Instagram. Stella Sironen shared a picture of her new founded trend on her account on 9th of April,2017 with the caption introducing her new trend. After that, her picture got a ton of likes and comments, and people started to recreate it. It was named as a trend due to the number of people recreating the look. It should also be noted, some people did not like the trend and shared their opinions on the comments. In spite of that, the trend is maintained which shows how societal conformity has altered opinions and users followed online influencers. Celebrities and online influencers use social media platforms to share their conceptions of products at most related to the beauty and the fashion industry. Users are trusting their opinions on products, which are used as grand strategies to sell products and shape beauty conceptions. A study conducted with Instagram users revealed that the online

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