Universal Preschool Research Paper

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Universal Preschool
Topic Overview
My research paper is focusing on the topic of universal preschool in the United States. I will be researching if there is evidence supporting a need for preschool for all age eligible children. My goal is to present evidence supporting why this is important and why it is beneficial.
Reasearch Questions
There are many questions regarding the topic of universal preschool. What research is there documenting if children have more success in school by receiving an early childhood education? Is it monetarily beneficial for goverments to fund the cost of these programs? What type of financial return is there on the investment? There are programs in place today offering free or reduced priced preschool on an income verication scale. There is a huge population of lower to middle class families that do not qualify for such programs, yet do not make enough to pay the private tuitiont cost. There are lottery systems in place offering a desginated number of open seats in free preschool programs in certain town and cities. Should we be allowing a lottery system to decide which children head start in the education based on the town they live in and what number a computer eraates for them?
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I had worked for the past five years in a program that was a combination of state funded as well as privatley funded. By working in this type of environment I got a first hand expierience as to the delicate balance between the school relying on parent's tuition as well as funding form the state. In those five years I also got to witness first hand how much is offered in an early childhhod education classroom. It is truly amazing the dedication those educators put into their students. I have seen children grow socially, elopmentally, acedimaclly in these

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