Unit 3 Explain How Successful The Delian League

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Discussion Forum Unit 3
Explain how successful the Delian League was.

Founded in 478 B.C, the Delian League was formed by the union of Athens and Ionian cities for mutual protection against the Persian with Athens being the head because of her naval primacy. This free confederation was consisted of representatives, an admiral, and treasurers appointed by Athens (Gill, 2006). The Delian League derived its name from Delos-a city-state where the treasurer was resided.

Although one may argue that the Delian League was unsuccessful or less successful because of Peloponnesian wars and the Macedonia evasion, however, from the perspective of the purpose of its formation-mutual protection against the Persians, the Delian League was highly successful.
As mentioned above, the Delian League mutually protected its members from the Persian aggressions. The Persian Empire which stretched covered modern Iran in the east to Egypt in the southwest and Anatolia in the north-west, was an ancient super power …show more content…

The Athens halted and repelled the Persian invasion at the Battle of Marathon. During the second evasion by the Persians, Sparta joined with other Greek city-states and together with Athens, led the fight. The Athens navy defeated the Persian at the narrow bay of Attika and the island of Salamis. On the land, the Greek, led by the Spartans infantry also defeated the Persian at the Battle of Plataea. After the Battle Salamis, Sparta and some allies lose interest in the fight against the Persian Empire. However, Athens and the remaining allies formed an agreement on the island of Delos called Delian League which continued the fight against the Persian Empire. For ten consecutive years, the League continued to protect its members by ridding Thrace and the Aegean of Persian strongholds and piracy (Gill,

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