Under The Grave

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Analysis of “Under the Grave” My poem “Under the Grave” was written for the Model Poetry assignment. The poem was written to have placed on my tombstone while echoing the structure of the example poem given. I had to follow the rhyme scheme aaab cccb, and write about myself and death. I chose this poem because I saw the potential it had, I felt that my rhyming had a purpose and helped elevate the poem’s structure. My group wanted a spooky theme and so this poem fit right in with that.
My first draft was short, concise and followed the structure of the example poem exactly. In my second draft, I wanted to add more dimension and descriptive sentences. I wanted to give it some alliteration and other imagery so that it wasn’t bland for the reader. Even though I added these to it, the second draft was still very similar to the first. When I collected all the critiques, I realized I had to make it longer and elaborate more, however, I wanted to keep the rhyme structure because it added a nice touch to my poem. I decided to add a stanza between the two I already had and I kept the rhyming, ending with a poem thats structure was aaab cccb dddb. …show more content…

I imagined my subject as a popular girl, that always has a positive attitude, and is kind to everyone, however, nobody knows that is all a facade. Underneath, she is broken and fighting to find a meaning to life. Initially, the poem was meant to be written on a tombstone, after editing I decided to change that and make this poem about how the “perfect” girl dies and nobody knew she was struggling. It is supposed to hint at the idea that she killed herself because she couldn’t take pretending anymore while nobody noticed her real

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