Ub Personal Statement Examples

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Kayjean Francois UB - Personal Statement Growth is a process that happens naturally the moment we are born. Our bodies physically start to develop and take the form our genetics predetermine. We don’t have to think about it at all, but for other parts of our lives growth is effort. As children our determination to explore the new things around us motives us to learn to walk and talk. Then as we age the cycle of life gets pretty predictable and the excitement we once had diminishes. Growth can start to feel forced like going to the gym and putting a lot of force into an exhausting workout. We become impatient with life because we cannot see fast results in the choices we make. Slowly we discourage ourselves from experiencing all that life has to offer because we no longer see the value in it. These are the attitudes I’ve noticed in the people around me in my work history, people who have stopped growing and choose to be part of an unchanging daily routine that is comfortable. Every work opportunity I’ve ever been a part of I quickly found myself capturing the admiration of my administrator and being considered their reliable …show more content…

I now want to undergo a transition into graduate level education and The University of Bridgeport is my alma mater, I was a first year transfer to this university, and after my tour I was convinced that it was the right school for me. I felt very comfortable as a student, I enjoyed the small classes and not just feeling like a number in those classes, and how every teacher I had wouldn't hesitate to help me in my times of need. The library was my second home and comfort zone so when I finally decided it was time for me too go back to school The University of Bridgeport was my first choice. I believe what the school has to offer me will help me in all my future

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