Examples Of Socioemotional Development And Development

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In my 18 years of life, I’ve gone through a multitude of stages and phases of development. As I end my adolescence and enter my early adulthood, I reflect on my development and see how certain theories of Lifespan Growth and Development can be applied and witnessed throughout my life.
Socioemotional Development in Infancy As a child, my mother and father described me as an “easy going child”. They rarely had problems with my behavior and did not have trouble teaching me what and what not to do. According to Chess and Thomas’s classification of a child’s temperament, I would fall under the classification of an easy child. They describe an easy child as one who generally has a positive mood, adapts easily to new experiences, and quickly establishes regular routines in infancy. Erik Erikson says that infants go through the stage of Trust versus Mistrust. In this stage, an infant learns determines who it can and cannot trust. Because I was an easy child, I was more likely to trust another person and less …show more content…

My self-esteem grew, and I have a positive self-concept. My self-efficacy was still in the process of development, but I still possessed some self-efficacy. Instead of seeing situations and events through my eyes only, I began to see different sides of them or better known as perspective taking. In Erikson’s theories of development, individuals in this period of life go through the stage of Industry versus Inferiority. Industry is characterized as receiving praise by others for their work and accomplishments while inferiority is characterized as receiving neglect or little to no attention for their work and accomplishments. A combination of the two is optimal because it leads to the development of competence which is what I exhibited as in this stage of life. I knew what I was and was not able to do because I had experienced industry and

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