Typical Speech and Typical Writing

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Typical Speech and Typical Writing

In writing this essay, I am only using one mode. Using the full

sentences, I can explain and identify that this essay will use the

written mode although I am writing about typical speech and typical

writing. The statement above is written in typical writing mode,

although it contains speech marks which indicate that it is a comment

which is typical speech, is true. Both typical speech and typical

writing have positive and negative aspects to them.

Both, typical speech and typical writing have many qualities - many

different to one another and some are similar- with respect to the

medium of each mode. The word 'medium', which of course is an example

of typical writing as it is typed on this paper, basically means 'the

functionally distinct dimension in which a message is transmitted'.

Typical speech is made up of disturbances in the air whilst typical

writing is made up of marks on a surface - such as this full stop at

the end of this sentence. Many body parts such as the lungs, mouth,

tongue, and vocal organs produce typical speech. Typical writing is

produced by the hand, or the finger with which I am typing this essay.

Overall, the ear perceives typical speech and helps us understand what

has just been spoken in typical speech, whilst the eyes perceive what

is been written in typical writing. Typical speech is organised in

time and typical writing is organised in space.

The difference in medium leads to the difference in functions. The

functions of typical speech and typical writing vary a lot although

they are parts of language - they are like two twins who have been

brought up on two di...

... middle of paper ...

... sentence, 'Where do you come from?' This is an

example of where speech is used but has the quality of using full

sentences from the writing mode.

To evaluate, I believe that typical speech and typical writing were

made for one another. Just like a couple in a marriage, they have

their quarrels and differences, but together they shine perfectly. You

can compare the relationship between typical speech and typical

writing to the relationship between girls and diamonds. They may have

different qualities, but when used together and properly, they have

the elusiveness to help us communicate in various ways and methods.

Their medium, function and form are complete parallel; this is what

makes it interesting using them both together. Both are interlinked

with one another, whether haunting each other or working side by side.

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