Tyndale Summary

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Within four years, four English translations of the Bible were published in England at the King's behest, including Henry's official Great Bible. All were based on Tyndale's work.
Theological views
Tyndale denounced the practice of prayer to saints. He taught justification by faith, the return of Christ, and mortality of the soul.
Printed works
Although best known for his translation of the Bible, Tyndale was also an active writer and translator. As well as his focus on the ways in which religion should be lived, he had a focus on political issues.
Year Printed Name of Work Place of Publication Publisher
1525 The New Testament Translation (incomplete) Cologne

1526* The New Testament Translation (first full printed edition in English) Worms …show more content…

and I Cor. XI., and William Tracy's Testament Expounded, edited by Henry Walter
1964* The Work of William Tyndale
1989** Tyndale's New Testament
1992** Tyndale's Old Testament
Forthcoming The Independent Works of William Tyndale
* These works were printed more than once, usually signifying a revision or reprint. However the 1525 edition was printed as an incomplete quarto and was then reprinted in 1526 as a complete octavo. ** These works were reprints of Tyndale's earlier translations revised for modern spelling.
Impact on the English language
In translating the Bible, Tyndale introduced new words into the English language; many were subsequently used in the King James Bible:
• Passover (as the name for the Jewish holiday, Pesach or Pesah)
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It owed most, especially in the New Testament, to Tyndale". Many scholars today believe that such is the case. Moynahan writes: "A complete analysis of the Authorised Version, known down the generations as "the AV" or "the King James" was made in 1998. It shows that Tyndale's words account for 84% of the New Testament and for 75.8% of the Old Testament books that he translated."[51] Joan Bridgman makes the comment in the Contemporary Review that, "He [Tyndale] is the mainly unrecognised translator of the most influential book in the world. Although the Authorised King James Version is ostensibly the production of a learned committee of churchmen, it is mostly cribbed from Tyndale with some reworking of his

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