Tv Show Identity Essay

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Today identity is defined differently depending on the person asked to define it. Look to the online world of TVD fans and many view this show as a part of their identity. They’re lives begins in September when the show premiers, when friends refer to them it is as a major TVD fan, decisions are centered around the show and even the actors/actresses. The show is seen as a part of them, like a friend they can rely on to help them escape from reality. Yet does this show or any television show have the right to be considered part of someone’s identity? When asking two people who used to watch the show how they felt or what they thought about once they heard of the show now. They mentioned how it made them think of the people they knew who still watch the show, or whom they’d watched the show with. Alice when asked what they thought of when they hear of or think of the TVD answered, “ You [laughs] and when we used to watch it together”. It is now for them a piece of someone’s identity and a …show more content…

Technology has changed the household dynamics. Before technology allowed humans to create the television, theatres housed the entertainment of plays, operas that spell bound human imagination. The introduction of the television changed that; there was no need for people to leave their homes, dress up, and interact with others. The interaction level decreased to those watching the program on the screen with them. A study was done in 2009 by Neilson uncovered that 54% of Americans stated they had more than three or more television sets in their homes. Today households have not one television but multiple, allowing for separate viewing per member. The most significant change is the realization that not only people can watch television by themselves, but that they prefer to do

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