Tutankhamen's Tomb Analysis

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Tutankhamen’s tomb was not the typical 18th dynasty tomb; there was a difference in the tomb decorations compared to Amenophis 2nd’s tomb. All the knowledge that the world knows about King Tutankhamen comes from the treasures that where found in his tomb. In addition, Tutankhamen’s tomb received its decorations in the burial chamber, there were many gifts and burial ritual items placed around his sarcophagus including four niche gaps in the walls were mote items could be placed. The most important decoration in Tutankhamen’s tomb were the four walls that surrounded the burial chamber, they were covered in paintings about the king himself. Furthermore, on the west wall there are scenes depicting the apes of the first hour of the Amduat. On the south wall Anubis follows the king as he appears before Hathor. Here, there is also a scene of the king being welcomed into the underworld by Hathor, Anubis and Isis. The north wall depicts of the king before nut with the royal ka embracing Osiris. On the same wall, we also find the scenes of ay performing the opening of the mouth ritual before ...

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