Tulku Dakpa Gyaltsen Essay

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Mysterious Untimely Death of Tulku Dakpa Gyaltsen

Even among Doegyal devotees, there are conflicting views about the sudden death of Tulku Dhakpa Gyaltsen. In fact, there are four different versions. Firstly, in the 5th Dalai Lama's autobiography, “Heavenly Garment” there is a detailed chronicle description of the death of Tulku Dhakpa Gyaltsen, and the people who were present. Such description is very useful for research work of the issue, which you can confidently explain to the world. Amongst Doegyal devotees, there are three conflicting views.

1 We find the first one in Phabongka´s and Dakpo Kelsang Khedrup's writings, "people with malicious attitude strangled him to death with a ceremonial white scarf, but due to your positive …show more content…

When the seventh eye was about to appear, he cried, “Stop!” If the seventh eye appears, then I would turn into someone very fearful like Rahula and would be very harmful to all. So, kill me by stuffing or strangling with a ceremonial scarf”. Denma Gonsar Rinpoche wrote the third version. Where did he base his explanation? We see differences in their viewpoints. The description of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama is realistic from the historical point of view. “On 11 of the fifth month, 1656, I left for the upper Residence at Drepung monastery where I saw him seriously ill and unconscious. A fierce Spirit possessed his body and mind. I conferred him the blessing of 4-faced Mahakala to exorcise the spirit but was not successful. Even my prayer proved ineffective.”

Dakpa Gyaltsen was found death two days later, on the 13th of the 5th month, 1656. I think the spirit killed Tulku Dakpa Gyaltsen and declared himself as Dakpa Gyaltsen. Then, who was that spirit, who, through the power of distorted prayers, made Tulku Dakpa Gyaltsen his high-profile …show more content…

However, his spirit rose from the funeral pyre for vengeance. Soon after, misfortunes such as earthquakes and famines occurred in Central Tibet, were considered the consequences of Doegyal´s furious and merciless act. Doegyal survived and left for Tashi Lhunpo Monastery to meet his teacher Penchen Lobsang choeky Gyaltsen in Tsang Province, but Guardian Namsey and his retinue of eight did not allow him to enter the monastery. The events are narrated in Phabonkapa´s writing, “when he arrived at Tashi Lhunpo monastery, due to a bit of negative omen, he turned towards Sakya disillusioned.” He went to the Sakya Monastery in Sakya province and appeared before Sakya Dakchen Sonam Rinchen, who gave him a role of a Dharma protector. They have written those events as if they took place successively and

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