Tuesdays With Morrie Quotes

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“When you’re in bed, you’re dead.” In this quote, Morrie Schwartz states that when a person is stuck in a place for too long, they tend to act like they’re going to be there forever. The person would start to act as though they would never escape, so they stop living their life the way they should be living it; like they’re foreverly young and alive. Morrie Schwartz was a person who believed this massively and lived by this. In the memoir Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie teaches people to live life through showing emotions, forgiving oneself and others before it is too late, and through showing how to say goodbye properly. Morrie teaches people that although showing emotions is important, he says that we should not cling onto them because everything is temporary. Morrie thinks that it is healthy to express one’s emotions and it is also important to not cling onto things because nothing is temporary. “Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent” (Albom 103). I agree with Morrie that people should not cling to emotions and martial things. Although, some emotions are positive, people should not cling onto theses either. People should be happy about things in that …show more content…

Morrie had a friend who he had gotten into an argument with and he never made contact with him before his friend died of cancer. “Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Don’t wait . . . Not everyone gets the time I’ve getting. Not everyone is as lucky” (Albom 167). I agree with Morrie that people should forgive each other and themselves. It is important that people forgive the small things that caused them to be angry. Not everyone has a lot of time left to forgive. When I was in the seventh grade, my friends and I got into a big fight and for five months I chose not to talk to them. That was five months of friendship I lost that I will never get back because I could not forgive them before. I wish I could have that time

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