Tsar Nicholas Romanov Research Paper

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Nicholas Romanov II
Although, Tsar Nicholas was called a tyrant he was actually a nice man. He made Russia into a better place for many people. He and his wife lived a secluded life for most of their marriage. Nicholas Romanov was a great role model because he was the Tsar, rich and powerful, and a genius military strategist.
First of all, Nicholas Romanov was the royal Tsar of Russia. He was part f a long line of royals from all across Europe. Nicholas was Cousins with the king of England King George V (5th). Nicholas was a very Powerful Tsar before WWI. But during WWI he began to lose power over his people. That would be the start of his downfall.
Although, he was rich and powerful many of the nobility in Russia at that time had 90% of all

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