Truly Equal: The Three Goals Of American Education

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American education will never be truly equal because of the existence of three various goals of American education: democratic equality, social efficiency, and social mobility. Because of these goals, schools, parents, and students can have vastly different view of how someone should be educated. People who view education with the goal of democratic equality and social efficiency view education as a way to get ahead. In contrast, people who view education with the goal of social mobility are trying to keep their position at the top by using any means necessary such as having children attend the best schools to get the best jobs, or to obtain tutors to place their children at the top. In society, there exists strong social class decision that create for an unequal means of education, and social class decision generally determine the education obtained. …show more content…

There are thousands of school districts, and the education of each district varies. This is because there may be different goals that each school has for their students. Education should be the main priority, however when a school is in an inner-city, dangerous location such as Harper High School in Chicago, then the goal of the goal is to create a safe environment and assist their students psychologically more than educationally. In addition, race can disrupt the equality of education, as students of color may find themselves at a disadvantage in their education, as their schools and communities are generally focused on protective services for their students rather than quality education. Black students in white schools are socially disrupted, and that affects their mentality to be the best they can as they are under stereotype

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