Mirabal Sisters: Defying Dictatorship and Patriarchy

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The main protagonists are the Mirabal sisters with Minerva, Patria, and Maria Teresa being the main characters as Dede tells their story. There were many small antagonist that caused minor problems, but the overall antagonist is dictator Trujillo. Minerva was dynamic with her initial beliefs but static in her actions and attitudes. When she was younger, she had a hard time believing that Trujillo was not as perfect as God, but she was always headstrong and idealistic in her beliefs. She looked at the status quo and refused to accept it. She wanted to go to school and get her education instead of just being a wife. She wanted to be a lawyer when women could not even vote yet, and she worked until she got her degree and never let anyone stop …show more content…

Maria Teresa’s dialogue also revelved her age as she whinned and was not as mature in her speech as her older sisters. The sisters were all described as very beautiful but not much else was said about their physical features. Minerva was known for her courage and headstrong thinking. She was also a great leader and the majority of the country was behind her. Patria was best known for her religious values and she often used that in the movement. She worked with the church to help bring down Trujillo’s regime and he even mentioned that the church and the sisters were his main problems. Jaimito and Papa followed the masculine stereotype. They were the breadwinners and expected their wives to listen to them. The Perdito started out in the same stereotype but later broke from it when he joined Patria in the revolution. Dede falls into the female stereotype of the homemaker who cares for the children and listens to her husband. Patria, like Perdito, started in the stereotype but broke from it later in the story. Minerva completely rejected the stereotype and was actually a leader in the feminist movement. Maria Teresa broke the stereotype but not as drastically as

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