Traveling Through The Fish Analysis

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Dalisa Kelly-Bacon July 18, 2017 English Comp II Connecting with Emotions In both poems “Traveling through the dark” by William Stafford and “The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop the authors have put the characters in a realistic setting. These settings draw the readers into the poem and make it feel as if they are in the story. The speakers catch the attention of the readers by connecting with their feelings and emotions and challenges their way of thinking which keeps the reader in tune with the story and its character. The character in the poem “Traveling Through the Night” by William Stafford the character is faced with a hasty decision to make just like we as readers are often times in life. In this particular case no one is around to justify or judge the decision he will make in the spare of the moment. Stafford includes specific detail in the poem when describing the doe that had recently been killed “her side was warm; her fawn lay there waiting, alive, still, never to be born” (10-11). When the author informed the reader that the doe was pregnant this was a major way Stafford was able to connect with the reader emotionally because these unborn animal did not have a chance to experience life which can be devastating making the reader feel pity or sadness for the animals. In the poem “The Fish” the author Elizabeth Bishop connects with the readers though the speaker by describing what he was how helpless the fish …show more content…

In the poem “The Fish” this the ending far more pleasant than the ending in “Traveling in Through the Dark” . Stafford ends his poem with a surprising and most definitely cruel ending which leaves the reader in shock. Bishop’s poem ends in a more subtle way making it more heartfelt and meaningful. Although the poems resemble true character in each narrator they are two completely different people when it comes to pity and sorrow for helpless

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