Trash Andy Mulligan Analysis

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Friendship means a lot in our lives and I think that we can all agree that we probably wouldn't be in the position we’re in now without friendship. In the novel “trash” By Andy Mulligan, the many aspects of friendship are explored through similes, rhetorical questions, metaphors, emphasis and most importantly the book’s characters. He ranges from the ups, to the downs, the good, and the bad. On their missions to survive their world of Behala, they protect each other and their big, big, secret. Luckily for them, they all have the trust and luck of friendship on their side.

(First Friendship)
The novel “trash” is about four friends who live their life scouring a trash dump looking for anything valuable they can find. Even though they probably live what we think of the worst life ever, they actually enjoy life and what they do. The majority of the reason why they find it so enjoyable is friendship. Friendship is the reason why they are all tied together like one big family. Trash also shows signs of friendship when in page 56 Raphael says “Gardo got his arm around me but …show more content…

Another clear example of friendship is when Raphael says on page 6 “ Gardo’s my partner, and we always work together. He looks after me.” The quote shows friendship because it reveals that Gardo is like a big brother to Raphael because Gardo cares for Raphael just as an older brother would. Another example of their friendship can be shown when Andy Mulligan describes the strong bond between Raphael and Gardo by describing the two as if they were brothers. And as brothers would, he describes the bond being if Raphael gets hurt, Gardo feels it too. An example is when on page 56 “Gardo was right with me at once, and he was talking fast, saying, “What are you doing? What has he done?” the quote shows that Gardo cares for Raphael and is scared for him as well. That quote

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