Transition Of Care Case Study

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As you work through this case study consider the following questions:
What areas of transitions of care place the patient at the greatest risk for harm?
According the National Transitions of Care Coalition (2008), improving communication in transitions of care, implementing standardized electronic medical records, establishing points of accountability for sending and receiving care, and expanding roles of pharmacists in transitions of care all aid in the continuity of care and result in positive patient outcomes. However, often the expectations of transitions of care fall short because team members are unsure of their role and the information that should be relayed. The patient’s risk for harm may have been increased when she was discharged …show more content…

Often in rehab facilities, tasks are delegated to nursing assistants, who are not allowed to make assessments, but who also are not educated to be looking for slight changes in patient condition. Increased agitation and confusion can be attributed to lack of sleep, poor nutritional status, or even be considered a normal fluctuation in the patient’s dementia and may not be reported to a nurse. Oliguria and odor of urine may not be noticed by an aid in the event that the patient load was heavy, and is something that an aid may not realize is a critical factor to be reporting to the nurse on. Lastly, when a patient may not be able to express pain verbally, it requires healthcare providers to be familiar with them and make astute judgements based on their behaviors, vital signs, and overall affect/appearance to know that they are in …show more content…

Signs and symptoms greatly depend on the initial site of infection, the causative microorganism, the underlying health history and status of the patient, the pattern of acute organ dysfunction as well as the period of time from initial onset to initiation of treatment (Angus & Van der Pol, 2013). However, classic Signs of sepsis may include but are not limited to fever, hypotension, cloudy-blood tinged urine, oliguria with sequential anurina, delirium, tachycardia, tachypnea, skin pallor, decreased temperature in extremities due to inadequate perfusion, increased lactate as well as altered blood glucose levels and blood cell

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