Essay On Sepsis

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Sepsis is defined as a systemic inflammatory response caused by an infective process such as viral, bacterial or fungal (Holling, 2011). Assessment on a patient and starting treatment for sepsis is based on identifying several factors including the infective source, antibiotic administration and fluid replacement (Bailey, 2013). Because time is critical any delay in identifying patients with sepsis will have a negatively affect the patients’ outcome. Many studies have concluded every hour in delay of treatment mortality is increased by 7% (Bailey, 2013). Within this assignment I will briefly discuss the previous practice and the recent practice including the study based on sepsis. I will show what enabled practice to change and I will use the two comparisons of current practice and best practice.

Sepsis is a life threating health condition and if not treated early can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and death (Ho, 2012). The main study of which practice has been based world-wide is the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign was developed to create evidence-based management guidelines. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign completed this by using an educational program to implement the guidelines by integrating their recommendations into resuscitation and management bundles (Marik, 2011). The first Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines were published in Critical Care Medicine in 2004 with an updated version published in 2008 with the core of the recommendation's remained largely unchanged (Ahrens, 2011).

Within the Surviving Sepsis Campaign they introduced guidelines and bundles which may beused as the basis of a sepsis performance improvement program. The Guidelines were based around a six-point action plan (...

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...0% realize it is a leading cause of death (World Sepsis Day, 2012). If sepsis can be diagnosed early and managed appropriately, lives can be saved. A key factor in the lack of public awareness of sepsis relates to the fact that there is still a lot of confusion of what sepsis really is. Diabetes, cancer, and arthritis are very clear conditions that everyone recognizes, but sepsis can be a vague term, suggestive of a blood infection (World Sepsis Day, 2012).

In conclusion researching and updating current studies are a major influence in creating new evidence based guidelines in treating sepsis. Continuing to study sepsis and reviewing newer guidelines will provide safer care for patients. The path toward reducing sepsis mortality begins with early recognition from both nursing and medical staff and also giving education to patients prior to them even presenting.

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