Transgenders Should Be Allowed To Use The Restroom

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People try to take away transgender rights by saying they should not be allowed to use the restroom that matches their gender identity. Transgenders should be allowed to use the restroom that correlates with their gender identity; they pay taxes and are citizens of the United States, so they should automatically have the same rights as the rest of the citizens in America. The people against transgender rights are not necessarily against transgenders. They fear predators. People fear that if transgenders have the right to use the restroom that matches their gender identity, the doors would be open to anyone to take advantage of their rights. Any predator could dress as the opposite sex to enter that bathroom and act on their desires. These people’s fears are not absurd. There are predators out there that can and will take advantage of transgender rights. Whether or not transgenders receive restroom rights, predators …show more content…

Nobody would stop someone that looks like a man from entering the male’s restroom; nobody would stop someone that looks like a woman from entering the women’s restroom. There are no bathroom police. Nobody will stand outside of each restroom and make sure the person about to enter is truly a male or female. Most of the time, it is hard to tell whether someone is transgender or not, so it would be too hard to stop a transgender person from using the bathroom of which he identifies as. When many people hear about this issue, they automatically come up with a “perfect” solution: transgenders should get their own bathroom. This will not fix the problem. If transgenders are forced to use a unified restroom, they would still feel like they have unequal rights. The best solution is to allow transgenders to use the restroom that best matches their gender identity because they cause no harm to others trying to use the

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