Transgender Stereotypes

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Transgender topic breaks and makes stereotypes

The term transgender is, according to GLAAD, “used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate. Gender identity is a person's internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or someone outside of that gender binary). For transgender people, the sex they were assigned at birth and their own internal gender identity do not match.” Transgender people can also be referred to as transsexual and genderqueer, depending on their own wishes and a way to describe them in terms of name and gender pronouns is simply to listen for what other people use. Problems with accepting transgender people have come up in several ways …show more content…

That is the reason why men have nipples but not developed breasts, the testosterone prohibits their formation. The way people think and decided to express themselves is a wide, beautiful spectrum that should not be slammed into two distinct categories: like politics, there are liberals and conservatives but a person’s range varies based on how far they are to either direction: hard left wing or moderate right. In a given political party everyone all has varying political opinions that can prove to be more similar than others in that realm and more often than not different compared to the other side. One can be conservative on social issues and liberal on economic ones- it is completely based on how you think but at the end of the day, there is one party you’d vote for one over the other based on their establishment and you can quite certainly change this view. The same is with gender. Transgender and non-transgender people break stereotypes by allowing men to identify as women and dress as they are stereotyped to dress and women to identify as men and do the same- dress the stereotype provided by centuries of

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