Transgender Argumentative Essay

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Transgender people have always been a part of society, but many people have extremely negative views towards them. People often discriminate and bully the transgender community. The majority of people in this world are cisgender. Cisgender refers to someone whose gender identity is the same as the sex they were assigned at birth (Oxford Dictionary, 2014). Since most people have never had to experience what it feels like to be trapped inside their own body, most people simply do not understand what it means to be transgender. People assume that sex and gender are the same things, but that is not true. Sex refers to the physical makeup of your body and gender refers to what you identify with in your mind. Many people also believe that if a person …show more content…

The stigma against transgender people can only be reduced with education. A transgender person is someone whose identity and behavior does not relate to their biological sex. According to Berkely Education, there are many different kinds of transgender people. Transgender is an umbrella term that includes many other gender identities. If you are transgender, you may be transsexual, transvestite, genderqueer, androgyne, bigender, two spirited, or a drag queen or king. Transsexual refers to a person who identifies as the opposite sex and may or may not undergo a gender transition. This is the most common form of transgender. A transvestite, also known as cross-dresser, is someone who dresses as the opposite sex. They may or may not identify with the gender they are portraying, and most do not want to change their bodies medically. If a person considers themselves genderqueer then their gender identity does not fit into one specific gender. Genderqueer combines various gender identities and sexual orientations. Bigender is also called dual gender. It is when someone moves fluidly between male and female gender roles. Bigender people have two very distinct personalities. Someone who is two-spirited is a Native person who

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