Transformation Of Macbeth

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After reading and decrypting the story of Macbeth and his downfall, it did not seem to have an immediate impact on myself. However, after adapting the events in of the play in dramatic and illustrative views, the importance of the themes became much clearer and supported my previous ideas. The adaptation process changed and deepened my understanding of the themes and ideologies associated with the plot and characters.

While I was reading the play, many of the characters seemed forced and lacked depth. Characters such as Hecate and Ross fill a very niche role and do not contribute to the story or develop beyond their intended purpose (Hecate as the Witch Queen and Ross as the messenger). Unlike Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Ross and Hecate were …show more content…

While this may be attributed to the use of the themes of Macbeth throughout modern media, I think that the original feels “too plain” on text. “The Flood” archetypal plot that serves as the basis of the play takes over too much of the story. This leaves little to no room for other interesting sub plots, such as Macbeth’s relationship with his wife and the affects of the Witches’ evil concoction. Despite the many shortcomings of the text, when acted out on stage and drawn into a comic-book style, the extremely important themes start to have relevance to our modern lives. The most prominent example of this is the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, as it was emphasized in the first few scenes of the text and then slowly became irrelevant as the plot advanced. On stage however, their fearful relationship was emphasized through body language and emotions, so much so that the themes related to coercion and self-confidence start to become apparent. In my opinion, through the introduction of emotion and speaking power, certain plot points important to the development of the story can be emphasized to one’s desire, which certainly cannot be replicated in the text. Finally, with the power of the comic variation, the Witches’ catastrophic brewery was finally explored and given emphasis. The comic version allowed me to see the effects of the cauldron on the land and Macbeth, and showed how his pride and greed led to his

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