Adaptations Of Macbeth

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Future students who will be taking English 102 during their academic year, you must be open to studying adaptations of literary works in class. Professors will teach the information by using different content in class. It is important to study adaptations in class such as Macbeth because it tends to expand our minds. Even though while thinking of Macbeth you may feel bummed out because in high school it may have seen boring but in college professors usually expand and explain what the text is about. Shakespeare language is very tricky so paying attention is crucial to really understanding what is going on in the play. If you understand the content that is in the play homework, test, and essays will be easier to complete. As previously stated studying adaptations like Macbeth …show more content…

Understanding adaptations such as Macbeth can also expand your vocabulary and the more vocabulary you know the more you can incorporate them into your assignments. Macbeth was written in 1606, and the way people would think during that time is definitely different from today so this can be used in future assignments. The use of different emotions in every character that was incorporated in the play such as anger, jealousy, and sadness is still relevant today. As future students, watching many performances of Shakespeare can give you a better insight on how things were. While you are watching performances of Macbeth, you can see how emotions can take over someone and you can see how these emotions can cause them to make unpleasant decisions. The content that is shown in Macbeth can also help you recreate your own adaptations. For instance, in my english 102 class our last assignment was to create our own adaptations in Macbeth with elements we may have thought were important or more interesting. In my own adaptation of Macbeth I

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