Town and Country Life in Okeke the Magician by Ogali Ogali

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Town and Country Life in Okeke the Magician by Ogali Ogali

This story is about family friendship and war. The village has been

torn apart by war and poverty, with rebel soldiers destroying

everything in their path. The friendship part of the story is about

two childhood friends who live in the same village, their names are

Okeke and Veronica. They are completely different people because Okeke

wants to become a very famous doctor in the big city and Veronica

wants to stay in the village to get married, become a mother and live

a quiet life.

Veronica is a completely different person to Okeke because she is very

poor and her father is a 'brute", he always beat's her and her 'weak'

mother. Veronica is a very poor and weak person, this is a big problem

for Veronica because she can't afford to go to school. She is the

eldest child of the family, she has lots of responsibility for

bringing up the other children in her family. Veronica lives no where

near her school. Every night Veronica is beaten by her father who is a

'morbidly suspicious man' who hates all visitors except for his

'drinking companions'. Everyday Veronica has to go into the woods to

collect the fire wood, so her family can keep warm and stay alive. Her

clothes are 'shabby'. Okeke helps Veroinca fetch water and chop the

fire wood. Okeke knew that Veronica's father was beating her, this

made Okeke angry because he couldn't do anything. He cursed himself

for his 'own physical inadequacy'. He could hear Veronica crying from

her room, this must have been awful for Okeke as he says 'night after

night I would lie awake listening to her screams'.

When Veronica's best friend was going to the big city to become a

famous doctor, she could have gone as well but she refused. She

refused because she had 'no qualifications' and she said 'The city is

for you', because Veronica was a woman she didn't have the same

opportunities that Okeke had.

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