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There’s a new world plague that has swept through the younger generation of parents-texting. We all live in this technological advanced society and have taken part in texting. Texting has become a quintessential way of communicating with those whom are not directly with us. Sounds good on the surface, right? As we dust off the surface, we reveal layers of misuse. Entering upon these layers exposes; death of children, disconnection in relationships, and deficient social skills are the direct negative results of parents misuse of texting. This younger generation of parents is riding a technology wave that has them surfing through the web, checking emails, and communicating through text messaging. So what is the cost of a generation raised on the latest and greatest technology? One could argue it’s their own children. Since 2007 to 2010 nonfatal injuries to children under five has risen 12% (Worthen 2). Some of these could simply not have happened if parents would have not been on their phones and were actually watching their children. Supporting my claim, Dr. Wally Ghurabi, emergency room doctor, said, “It’s very well understood within the emergency medicine community that utilizing devices- hand held devices- while you are assigned to watch your kids- that resulting injuries could very well be because you are utilizing those tools.” (qtd.” In The Perils of Texting While Parenting” 2 ). If that isn’t enough to have just “nonfatal” injuries then there is a much Roberts 2 more tragic ending to these preventable cases- the deaths of children. A chilling tale of a mother’s misuse of texting resulted in the loss of her own son’s life. Shellie Ross showed her family a tortoise in their backyard. She thus proceeded to post four tweets in ... ... middle of paper ... ...; not using their cellphones to wake up the students up for exams or to be the one communicating with the professor. Jon Gould simply stated, “the kids are not learning how to grow up and take responsibility.” (qtd. “Stop Texting Mom!” 2). Without an attempt to open parents eyes of their misuse- their children are under a direct line of fire prompted by the issue of their parent’s texting. They will continue to be heaped into a pile of “collateral damage” - we should ask ourselves what actions could be suggested to try and prevent some of these avoidable injustices to children? Public discussion could lead to an awaking among parents. As a result children may no longer be subjected to; being casualties of their parents ignorance, being emotionally imprisoned, and being flawed to an imposed shortcoming of poor civil aptitude and a dependent self- starting in life.

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