Toni Morrison's Quotes From 'Beloved'

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Beloved pg87-195

1. “When she got back from the jail house, she was glad the fence was gone. That's where they had hitched their horses-where she saw, floating above the railing as she squatted in the garden, schoolteacher's hat. By the time she faced him, looked him dead in the eye, she had something in her arms that stopped him in his tracks. He took a backward step with each jump of the baby heart until finally there were none” (192-93).
What I like about this quote is how Morrison showed a lot of emotion when it explained how Sethe’s child (Beloved) died. Sethe had no choice but to kill her so she can avoid her child from going through the same pain she had gone through during her time in Sweet Home. I had concerns about her actions but overall, I felt like she did the right thing even though it was difficult for her. Would there have been another way so her baby could’ve lived?
2. “‘Your love is too thick,’ he said, thinking, That bitch is looking at me; she is right over my head looking down through the floor at me. ‘Too thick?’ she said, thinking of the Clearing where Baby Suggs’ commands knocked the pods off horse chestnuts. ‘Love is or it ain’t. Thin love ain’t love at all’” (page 193-194). …show more content…

To me, she is a loving person but when learning about her killing her child had me doubting her as a human being even though she did it to avoid repeated events that her child would’ve gone through in Sweet Home. In this passage, When Paul D questions and offends Sethe’s love for her children; Sethe realized that she couldn’t love Paul like she loves her family even when protecting them and herself from slavery. At that point she decided to kick him out of her life. Her love for Paul D was thin and therefore was no love at

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