Tomb Of Ti Analysis

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After the impressive innovation of pyramids through Egypt’s Old Kingdom phase during 2575-2040 BCE, the construction of Tomb of Ti took place in Saqqara, Egypt. Saqqara served as the necropolis, or city of the dead, for Egypt’s capital of Memphis at the time. The tomb belonged to the royal family of the fifth dynasty official Ti and provided an excellent source of evidence for what daily life was like in the Old Kingdom through narrative artwork of painted reliefs. Nevertheless, the tomb serves the same purpose as others in the surrounding area to assist a spirit of the deceased into the afterlife, but the Tomb of Ti has its own unique aesthetic style when dealing with the simplistic images throughout it. The daily life subjects depicted …show more content…

Egyptians typically buried their dead west of the Nile because of the underworld that allegedly existed there. In a literal sense in this particular relief, the upper register of this piece portrays goats plodding through seeds while cattle cross through the Nile River in the bottom register. Figuratively, the crossing of the Nile functioned as a representation of the deceased’s passageway from one life to the next. After death, the deceased underwent judgement and had to proclaim that they did not taint the Nile during life. Living Egyptians relied on the Nile too but in practical ways such as for transportation and for agricultural purposes. The artist left Ti out of these scenes, unlike in the hippopotamus hunt relief. Instead, the sculptors carved the men and animals as the main subjects. Still, both reliefs similarly have hierarchy of scale and the canon of proportions between the men. In this livestock relief, the men dominate the picture plane compared to the goats and cows even though in reality, the cattle stand much larger. Though the once vibrant paint has worn off and faded, the bottom register vaguely shows a young boy with a calf on his back. The calf turns its head around with its eyes fixed on its mother who stares back with her held tilted up high. This subtle exchange between the two animals demonstrates that the artists took great care when depicting daily life. Although they created the subjects in such simple forms, the gestures given to the figures cause them to have some personality rather than a lack of interest or

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