Tom Robinson Trial Diary Entries

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The day I had been asked to serve on the jury for Tom Robinson’s court case was the day I knew things were going to change forever. I had been asked to serve on the jury with many other folk like me. The night I had been asked to serve on the jury, was the night my opinion changed about the case and racial segregation. I also learned that the Finches were truly nice people and I also realized that Atticus was just doing his job by being Tom’s lawyer. That was a long time ago though. I am now sitting in the middle of the jury box, at the courtroom. We had just started the court session and so far nothing major has happened. Since the night I had seen Atticus and his kids at the jail, my views have changed regarding this whole situation. I used …show more content…

It was rather cool outside but inside the courthouse, it was very hot. As I walked in, I saw that many people were already there and seated. A few people were already sweating from the immense heat in the building. Eleven others and I were asked by Judge Taylor to be seated in our jury box. I was pretty nervous and I couldn't wait for the trial to start. The case started with Heck Tate sharing his view what happened. He seemed to struggle answering some of the questions that Atticus was asking him. The case continued on with Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell, and Tom Robinson all coming up to share their story and to be asked questions by Mr. Gilmer and Atticus. By the end of the trial, I could see and sense that many people believed that Tom Robinson wasn't guilty of his charge. Atticus did an amazing job of defending and exposing the truth about Bob Ewell and what actually happened. I the had a small hope that Tom Robinson might actually win the case. As the trial ended, the jury and I were asked to leave and continue on to the back of the court house. There we said our opinions about the case. As we told our thoughts I was astonished. Every man said that Tom was guilty. I was the only one on the jury that said he was innocent. I pleaded to the other men on the jury that he was innocent but not one of them would listen to me. I lost track of time when I tried to convince the men that Tom was innocent but no one changed

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