Todd Beamer Research Papers

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Todd Beamer was one of the men who took action on Flight 93 during the attack of 9/11. Beamer was one of the passengers on the hijacked Flight 93 American Airlines plane. Todd Beamer was born in Flushing, Michigan on November 24, 1968 (Evensen, 2017, para 1). Through many calls to others on the ground, Beamer and others learned that the airplane they were on, Flight 93, was one of the planes that was being hijacked (Vulliamy, 2001, para 3). The hijackers had already begun to redirect the flight to Washington D.C, and many believe that they were targeting to crash into the White House, or the Capitol (Vulliamy, 2001, para 4). Todd Beamer, along with some others, decided to step up to the hijackers, and regain control of the plane. They managed

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