To What Extent Is Lady Macbeth Crazy

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Is Lady Macbeth evil or just crazy? I would argue she is completely crazy, while giving the illusion of being evil. Lady Macbeth, the loving wife of Macbeth, tries to further her husband’s political position by any means possible. She convinces Macbeth to commit murder, sending him down a spiral of villainy. While also acting crazy and attempting to let evil spirits fill her body. Which leads to her inevitably being driven into a guilt fueled state of madness.
To illustrate Lady Macbeth’s evilness, while she was reflecting to herself about Macbeth’s letter she said the following; “You want to be great; you’re not without ambition; but you lack the necessary wickedness”(Act I Scene V 16-18). She implies he needs wickedness to have ambition, usually a stereotypically evil thing to say. Still, we don’t know if she means she needs to act as the “necessary wickedness”. She then adds; “Hurry here quickly, so I can pour my thoughts in your ear and scold away with my bold tongue everything that stands between you and the crown”(23-26). This suggests she thinks her “bold tongue” will be the “necessary …show more content…

This is shown when she attempts to contact evil spirits. “Come, you spirits that watch over deadly thoughts; take away my womanliness and fill me to the brim, from head to toe, with the most dreadful cruelty!”(42-45). Wanting spirits to fill her with “dreadful cruelty” is something a crazy person would say. However, now that we know she is crazy, is she still evil? While she does convince Macbeth to kill Duncan, surely someone evil would have no problem doing it themselves? Lady Macbeth is simply a mentally deranged person. Her craziness is manifesting aggressively and causing her to crave power. Which explains why she wants Macbeth to become king and her over-controlling nature towards him during the first portion of the play. Although this may have appeared to be evil, it was merely

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