The Power Of Power In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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As Edward Counsel once said, “The steps of power are often steps on sand.” In Shakespeare’s classic tragedy Macbeth, a play about what power can do to a person, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are put to the test when it comes to gaining the power of being king and queen. Although the two characters start off as ordinary people, Shakespeare shows through their changes that the need for power can bring out the worst in people. The character Macbeth displays through his actions that ambition brings out the worst in him. After the Witches tell Macbeth that he will be king, Lady Macbeth tries to persuade him into killing King Duncan. Macbeth contemplates whether or not he should kill Duncan. Macbeth has always been loyal to his king, but he starts to
When Macbeth finds out about the witches prophecies, he quickly sends a letter to Lady Macbeth explaining the situation. She rapidly sees that she must help Macbeth become king, so she says “Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness /To catch the nearest way. /Thou wouldst be great,/ Art not without ambition, but without/ The illness should attend it. (1.5.15-20). Right away, Lady Macbeth is going to do everything she possibly can to ensure he becomes king which proves her ambition. Later on in the play, Lady Macbeth makes another decision which shows that her ambition is quickly getting the worst out of her. When King Duncan arrives, Lady Macbeth sees a perfect opportunity to kill Duncan. She is worried that Macbeth will not go through with the plan so she says ¨When Duncan is asleep—/Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey/ Soundly invite him—his two chamberlains/Will I with wine and wassail so convince¨ (1.7.61-65). Lady Macbeth reveals that her need for power is taking a turn. She plots to get the “two chamberlains” drunk so she can blame the murder of Duncan on them. The fact that she plots out an entire plan to kill Duncan and that she is willing to blame it on someone else reveals that her ambition has brought out the worst in her.. All in all, Lady Macbeth is a character who does not second

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