To What Extent Do Religious Uniformities Play In Our Understanding Of Religious Knowledge

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Uniformities allow for a certain discipline to be consistent in providing a rigid basis that allows for the production of knowledge. Thus, without this essential foundation there inherently can be no knowledge. As more of these integral uniformities come into play in religious knowledge systems and the human sciences, more knowledge about that certain subject develops. Through this process we can deduce that uniformities and the production of knowledge are, in essence, a cyclic never ending process. Yet some questions arise such as to what extent do religious uniformities play in our understanding of religious knowledge? And to what extent do civil uniformities play in our understanding of the human sciences or civil law? However, what happens …show more content…

These uniformities create knowledge because religious scholars and adherents have a model to follow to understand the world in a religious connotation. For Example, in Sikhism, it is these religious laws or uniformities that have allowed for the production of Sikh knowledge and for its numbers to grow. The uniformities make people want to seek more knowledge to fully understand the religion they follow because the adherents will ask questions that will create more uniformities to produce knowledge. In the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs, it says to not follow any superstitions and or baseless rituals that have no impact on a person’s character. So I thought of this concepts origin and historical context. And I found through my own experience as a Sikh that this was meant to develop a person’s character without having to tie a thread or having to fast on a certain day. When I see a Sikh with one of these threads or doing some baseless ritual I try to explain to them that a simple piece of thread will not have any impact on a person’s character. Thus I am glad Guru Nanak, the first Sikh teacher, emphasized this same concept to the Hindus and Muslims to not go about always trying to do a ritual that had no place in their religion and …show more content…

Some Sikhs today have removed their turbans, started to wear threads around their hands, and much more that has had a devastating impact on Sikhism. They choose to be ignorant of their religious teachings which could have enlightened them on why Sikhs are the way they are. And today when I see myself as one of these Sikhs I become saddened because I see that I have left the path to acquire more Sikh knowledge, even though the whole basis of Sikhism is to try and learn, hence the name Sikh which means a disciple. I strayed away from the path of Sikhism because I was not comfortable with trying to understand and learn the identity of the Sikhs, the turban, and I wanted to fit into society without wanting to stand out from the crowd. And I wrongly connected the thread and the turban as equivalents which caused me to remove it. So these uniformities that were made, in essence, have gone to waste because people like me stop thinking for themselves and become willingly ignorant to achieve their own standards. This disrupts the purpose of the Sikh lifestyle and makes the once religiously tout adherents start to doubt Sikh knowledge and the Sikh uniformities that were made for people to acquire more knowledge. Therefore, even though uniformities exist people choose to ignore them and reject the process of knowledge all because

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