Questions On Religion: The Definition Of Religion

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1. In order to study religion, we need to define what we mean by "religion." We discussed several definitions in class. Which (if any) of these definitions do you find most useful or meaningful and why? Is anything important left out of that definition? Or would you define religion in a different way altogether? If so, how would you define it? Explain your reasons and give examples to support and illustrate your definition.

The best definition regarding religion came from Frederick Streng. “The central definition of religion is that it is a means of ultimate transformation”, (pg. 3). The definition is simple and nothing is left out of the definition. In my opinion, all religions have this belief of transformation; there is something better …show more content…

There are many ways in which religion can go “bad” or be abusive. Discuss three of these ways and give examples of each.

a. Religion does not unify family or humanity. History has shown that most wars were over religion. I personally seen family disown one another because of some religion’s belief.
b. Exaggeration of guilt – Religion is known as to have a moral compass. Religion tries to help people to develop moral conscience. Again a set of guidelines is given in all religions in regards to what a person can do or cannot do. “Religions thus have the potential for wreaking psychological havoc on their followers”, (pg. 23). Catholic’s women cannot take birth control; if they do they are going to hell. Although studies show that majority of Catholic’s women use birth control, but only in secret.
c. Escapism – the Webster dictionary defines escapism as a person’s tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities. Many people practice the teaching of religion to escape from the real world. Eastern religions teach the spiritual realm to help cope with reality.

3. Why can the term “lifeway” be used to describe indigenous religions? What does the term mean? How is this different from “global” religions? Give examples to support your …show more content…

Spiritual lifeways are passed down from generation to generation. Unlike traditional religion that use books and scriptures, the indigenous religion use riddles, legends, art, and music to information along. Indigenous religion mostly focuses on teaching handed down from their ancestors. Most indigenous religion lives “close to the earth in nonindustrial and small-scale cultures” (pg. 33). Global religion has adopted some indigenous ways but changed the teaching in order to keep up with the current time and events, however indigenous religion refused to change and adapt to modern time. Excellent example is Buddhism, this religion have adopted existing customs, “such as the recognition of local deities”, (pg. 34). Studies show that many indigenous scared ways have been blended with global

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