To What Extent Did Napoleon Preserve The Legacy Of The French Revolution

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During the French Revolution many exciting things were happening, the government was reforming and The Directory was trying to direct the country when that wasn’t working Napoleon, a military general at the time stepped in to lead the country to a better place. People were sick of getting walked over by the nobles so they took charge. There were many revolts and a lot of death, some thought they just need a leader to get them out of a slum, Napoleon was there guy. Napoleon’s policies be seen as preserving the legacy of the French Revolution by eliminating noble privilege but he also betrayed the legacy of the French Revolution because he became an absolute ruler. Napoleon’s policies can be seen as distorting the legacy of the French Revolution by becoming an absolute ruler . Napoleon’s policies gave less power to nobles and more to the common people that made up 95% of the population.Napoleon preserved the legacy of the …show more content…

Document 6 is a painting of scene from Napoleon’s army killing spanish commoners the historical context of this painting is weird. Napoleon is said to liberate some states such as Spain but this painting shows scaring people into submission. When Napoleon started to control press thy only got the news Napoleon wanted them to have this painting connects to the thesis because it shows how Napoleon was being a true absolute ruler and telling the people lies about his plans and

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