To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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Thrilling and captivating the book To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that deals with many different issues going on in a small southern town. Racism being the main issue is covered and shown in detail in certain circumstances. In the book The Chosen, the issues are more about secular and religious views and the way it effects peoples lives. I personally like the book To Kill a Mockingbird better, Because of the issues and how they deal with it and the setting of the story. Thrilling and unique both in their own ways. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel about racism in a small southern town in Alabama. Its about this little girl and her friends and how they deal with being bullied because of their color. Its thrilling in the ways that they have town drama. The town Maycomb is suffering through Great Depression. Scout has a rough time with not wanting to act or dress like a girl, she much rather be one of the guys. She gets bullied for her actions which is the main plot of the story. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” ― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird …show more content…

Danny is a main character who wants to be a psychologist. His father wants him to follow his path and become a religious teacher. He must decide to be completely cut off from his family or to do what he loves. The book is based around the way that effects his life and what the Jews think is important. Danny doesn’t think reading or listening to secular things is such a bad thing. People need exposure to the real world. “No one knows he is fortunate until he becomes unfortunate, that's the way the world is.” ― Chaim Potok, The

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