Titanic Research Paper

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The Titanic…her very name brings up many thoughts of disaster, doom, and tragedy. A legend even before she sailed, RMS Titanic was built as the world’s largest steam powered passenger liner. (The Making of the Titanic npag). The White Star Line, the Titanic’s owners boasted about her beauty and the fact that she was “unsinkable”. Later dubbed as The Ship of Dreams, RMS Titanic is still one of the most remembered marine tragedies. Her maiden voyage only lasted for four days, after a horrific collision with an iceberg on April 14th, 1912 (Eaton7). When the news began to spread, many rumors and speculations brewed about the British vessel company, The White Star Line, as well as her crew. The Titanic’s sinking soiled the company’s name and …show more content…

(The Making of the Titanic npag). After her completion, RMS Titanic was 883 feet long, 104 feet high, and had a carrying captivity of 4,000 people. While her interior was beautiful and elegant, her exterior was built as if she were a battleship. The Titanic was made with over 20,000 tons of steel, and was powered by only three giant propellers. Her construction took over three years to complete, with the help of approximately 3,000 workers. Advertised by her owners as unsinkable, many people were thrilled and amazed by the fact of an unsinkable ship. (Was the Titanic sinking the result of bad marketing? npag). Afterwards, The White Star Line claimed they never advertised the ship as unsinkable and proof of their claim would later be used against the White Star Line. During her building, there were many mistakes made that would eventually contribute to her sinking. (Mistakes during the build of the Titanic npag). Substandard iron was used in the rivets to hold the iron plates of the ship in place, instead of a more reliable iron. Not only were the plates not safely secured, but the height of the watertight compartments was a problem as well. Since Harland and Wolf did not want to cut into the first class’s living quarters, they built the watertight compartments shorter than what was needed. If that was not enough, RMS Titanic only had enough life boats for a third of the ship’s

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