Titanic Film Analysis

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Often when we think about the Titanic the first thought that comes to the mind is the film “Titanic” which was produced in 1997, 85 years after the disaster struck. It starred Kate Winslett (Rose DeWitt Bukater), Leonardo DiCaprio (Jack Dawson) And Billy Zane (Cal Hokley) as the main characters. The film is about a love triangle between the three main characters. This movie was produced by James Cameron who put enormous amount of research about the shipwreck of the titanic in order to depict the turn of events in his film. Amongst the purposes of his research he wanted to accurately depict the ship wreck itself from the very instant the ship hit the iceberg to the very last part of the ship that was subdued into the water. Another very significant part of Cameron’s research was to understand the socio-economic status of the passengers which will be discussed in detail later. Although historians have criticized certain aspects Cameron’s film the accuracy in which he depicts certain aspects such as the socio-economics of the passengers can’t be ignored.
The RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during her voyage from Southampton, UK to New York City ,the sinking of the Titanic caused the deaths of more than 1,500 people. Amongst the research into the Titanic besides the shipwreck itself, was to see the social classes that were present on the Titanic. Before the shipwreck itself there isn’t much to go off of to see the socio-economics of the people who were boarded on this ship so Cameron and a team of researchers went on an expedition. “He developed and piloted a new class of nimble, fiber-spooling robots that brought back never before images...

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... wall of gleaming blue and green tiles. Teak chaise lounges lay upturned on the floor, incredibly well preserved, and above them was an arabesque dome covered in gold leaf. I had entered the elegant spa on the most luxurious ships of its time.” (Cameron,100)
From this passage we get to see in what comfort the passengers we boarded on as Cameron describes it as the most luxurious ships of its time.
James Cameron and his team on their recent expedition have allowed us to see things that were not known to us in the past. James Cameron although being a movie producer was “A self-described rivet counting Titanic geek” (Hampton 95). His research can be seen in his film the Titanic and how accurate he depicted the passengers. This is the importance of the social scientist, social scientist not only allow people to see the ship wreck but also the wreck of the passengers.

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