Tiananmen Square Dbq

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“We were not fighting so that we could die, but so that we could live (S.1),¨ a statement made by a protester at Tiananmen Square, shows the dire situation at the time. All people are enabled human rights, though the acts committed at Tiananmen Square violate numerous articles of the Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights include the entitlements to liberty and security of person, to the right of free opinion and expression, as well as peaceful assembly. They are against the acts of persecution and exile, or inhumane and degrading punishment (S.4). At Tiananmen Square the attack on the public from the army ordered by the government, violated multiple rights including that of wrongful punishment. These actions lead to numerous disadvantageous …show more content…

For example, the government forced a press blackout, closing down newspapers for reporting the Tiananmen Square protests, and strictly enforcing restrictions on foreign visitors (Source 6). Then, after the passing of martial law, heavily armed troops advanced toward Tiananmen Square, ordered by the government of China, and opened fire on or crushed those who tried to block their way. Furthermore, the disappearances of citizens, most famously the Tank Man, shows harsh and groundless punishment. A witness describes the mysterious man’s situation, “...As a line of tanks moved toward Tiananmen Square, he stepped in front of the lead tank, and all the tanks stopped. He then waved a shopping bag as if to say ‘Go away.’ The lead tank moved to the left, and he moved to the left, waving his bag and shouting. The tank moved right, and he moved right. This ballet continued for several minutes, all captured on film, until some men ran from the curb and hustled him away.¨ Though numerous people have speculated and searched to identify him, no one knows who he was or where he is. Internationally, Tank Man became a symbol of freedom and democracy. (Source 2, 6) This situation further proves the extent of unrest in China. Specifically, the photo and the situation it portrays, along with many other actions made by protesters show how the public would risk their lives to reach these goals and protect their rights. Another protester states, “The government has so many means of repression — execution, isolation,” (Source 1). The Chinese government arrested thousands of people suspected of insurrection, whether or not they had proof; many of them received prison sentences, and a number were executed (Source

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