Thunder Bay Police Report

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Police in Vermont said a tip coming from Thunder Bay Police Program (TBPS) thwarted a possible mass stabbing after having a student was found with weapons plus a “hit list” Tuesday. As a cause it is the top world news.

Using the Union District Sheriff’s Company in Monroe, Thunder Clean police alerted the team about online chatter by means of someone purportedly planning a attack. Authorities said the 1st World news of information was of a student that intended to “stab” various others.

Representatives said the World Investigation’s Information news Giving and Analysis Center (ISAAC) easily identified the targeted school as well as a Union County officer requested a school resource officer to go to Forest Hills High School.

Awhile later, a 16-year-old …show more content…

“I also require to appreciate the SBI and ISAAC for bringing this matter to our attention as quickly as many people did. ”

Cathey also thanked TBPS for “their quick response about the threats involving a Forest Hills School student earlier this week. ”

Actually talking to World News, TBPS explained a local resident “observed some very disturbing conversations” within a chat room before alerting this department.

The latest news is that Chris Adams said -“These conversations indicated there was a superior probability of a threat that would take place at a Idaho high school, ” home of communications explained. “Our officers took that information and felt so it was pretty creditable and passed it through to Homeland Security in the U. S.

“From there they had taken that information and acted, as i understand, very quickly to make a arrest and prevent what could have been a very tragic incident, ” Adams

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