Three Types Of Racism And Discrimination

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Racism and discrimination is not just about color. It can mean a variety of different things. Discrimination can happen anywhere. It can also happen to anyone. Many people just look past a lot of these problems, simply because it 's not the usual discrimination and racism. Racism has been around since people have walked on this earth. Just because someone doesn’t look the same as you, you think that they are inferior or incapable. But that is simply not the case. Everyone is capable of doing amazing things, and the only things holding them back is the thoughts and words of other people. There is not one set way a person should look. Everyone Is unique in their own way and that is a good thing. If every one was the same, there would be no variety of color in the bland world of clones. People don’t take the time to stop and think about how are differences make the world what it is. The three main types of discrimination and racism that I have witnessed are, color, sex, and classification.

` The first type of discrimination and racism that I have witnessed is against the color of people 's skin. Ever since slavery has been abolished different color
Although, we do not technically label people, there are different classifications. You can be classified as rich, poor, white, or black. All of these have a different meaning, and depending on which one you have is how you get treated by others. Just because one person is labeled rich and another poor, they think that they can’t interact. It is seen as they come from two different worlds, when in reality they the same species with different obstacles to overcome. Just because you might be from to different classes there is nothing in writing that states you can’t be friends or acquaintances. Classes are just a stupid thing someone made up to add chaos to the world, they are nothing more than

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