Three Mile Island Meltdown Essay

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The meltdown at Three Mile Island occurred on March 28th, 1979 nearby Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was America’s worst accident at a civilian nuclear power plant. Half of the fuel in one of the two reactors melted causing large quantities of radioactive materials to leak from the reactor. Thankfully, most of the material was contained (1). It was caused by a combination of stuck valves, misread gauges, and poor decisions (2). Some radioactive gasses did escape into the atmosphere. The same day, the EPA arrived and immediately stationed experts with radiation monitoring equipment. This accident was an eye opener for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and many government agencies (3). The meltdown at Three Mile Island was a catalyst for …show more content…

After the meltdown on Three Mile Island, the NRC worked on equipment to detect problem before they arise to fix the problem before it becomes a threat. After eight years of study, researchers at Ohio State University have designed a system that combines different software programs to detect slow-forming malfunctions called faults in nuclear plants. By catching these problems early, researchers believe plant operators can minimize plant shutdowns and prevent accidents from occurring. The research team successfully tested the integrated software approach in a training simulator at the Perry Nuclear Plant. The Ohio State team was one of the first in the country to test fault-detecting software at a nuclear plant simulator. Integrated computer systems will improve the reliability of a nuclear plant by allowing the operators to fix a problem before it causes an accident that would trigger the plant's safety systems and automatically shutting the plant down in case of an emergency. Nuclear plants are made of up to 80 mechanical and nuclear systems and all of them are monitored by human operators. These safety systems alert workers about problems in the plant. However, because a plant has up to 80 systems that work independently and interactively, the operators sometimes incorrectly diagnose problems in systems that interact, or fail to detect small faults as they begin development. If a fault reaches a critical stage, it will trigger a safety system that will shut down the plant

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