Thomas Edison Inventions Analysis

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6 Things Innovators can learn from Thomas Edison
"I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent it."
When Thomas Edison first invented the tin foil phonograph, it is unlikely that he truly understood the way that he had impacted the world. But impact it he had and many of today 's inventions would not have been possible without this creation. Imagine a world where no one had discovered the possibility and the means to record something and play it back. But, without this invention, this is exactly the kind of world that would exist.
Thomas Edison is arguably one of the most prolific minds to ever walk the planet. There is no doubt that he was a genius when it came to innovation and that the world would not be the same place …show more content…

In fact, there were many others that went on to be extremely beneficial to mankind. The great thing about Thomas Edison and his inventions is that there are still major items that innovators of today can learn from him.
1. Nothing 's Impossible
If Thomas Edison taught the world anything it was to believe in the impossible. One of his most popular sayings dealt with this impossibility and the fact that most men give up when something looks impossible. However, innovators should remember that if Edison had stopped when something looked impossible, some of the greatest inventions would never have been created.
Roadblocks are a part of every adventure and should be expected when developing something new. Instead, of giving up at this point, remember that success is just around the corner. Many an invention was completed just after the creators of it had almost given up. Strive through these points and continue to the finish goal.
2. Hard Work Pays …show more content…

In fact, he didn 't view these as failures at all. When something didn 't work, he viewed it as just another way that the item he was looking to build wouldn 't work. Keeping this perspective is a way that innovators can move past these failures and develop the final, working product.
6. Have a Quiet Space
There is no denying that the world today is very busy. With all the technology in place, it is easy to become distracted from what is truly important. While Thomas Edison may not have had the same time of issues, he understood that having a quiet space to work was important to his success.
Innovators can use this advice on a daily basis. For a few moments every day spend some time in a quiet room. This room should be free from distractions where a person has the ability to focus on their thoughts. Some of the best ideas come from these times and it will be exciting to discover what the thoughts will develop into.
Naturally, these are just a few of the qualities that a strong innovator should possess. If you are looking to become a strong innovator, be sure to contact us today. With the skills that we will provide, you will quickly become the innovator that reaches your goals and offers a strong benefit to the world around

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