Thomas Alva Edison: The Life Of Thomas Edison

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Born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio, he went by the nickname Al from his middle name, Alva. He was a curious little boy, always wanting to find out a solution for every problem. Al was also always trying new things, wondering what life would be like in the future. But little did he know, he was about to change everyone's lives. He was the person who created the incandescent light bulb. That’s right, he was Thomas Alva Edison. He was one of the greatest inventors of all time, and he was a very hard worker. Below, you’ll be reading about Thomas Edison's childhood, his life, and his journey to become an inventor. Beginning Life He was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. There he was given the name Thomas Alva Edison, after his great uncle. His parents were Nancy and Samuel Edison. Little did they know, there child would affect most life in the past, present, and the …show more content…

But, he spent the last 55 years of his life in Menlo Park. Menlo Park was where Thomas had built his laboratory, West Orange. There, he felt comfortable with his team, and it was nice and quite. He could also calm himself there by doing one of his hobbies, playing piano. Inventing Thomas’s first invention, thinking it would sell, was the electric voting machine. Unfortunately, that did not sell. He tried to sell it to Congress and the state, but, they did not want it. Next, Thomas created the Universal Stock Printer. Then, it was the quadruplex telegraph. Third, created the phonograph. Forth, he worked on the electric light bulb. While working on the lightbulb, his biggest obstacle was creating the right filament. In all, he tried over three thousand materials trying to find the perfect one. A year and a half later, Thomas found the answer. He found out that a sewing thread covered in carbon, then baked at a certain temperature was the answer. By that time, Thomas was thirty years

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