Thesis Statement For Pediatric Occupational Therapy

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Research Statement Vidya Pingale Current healthcare environment calls for evidence-based practice. During my twenty years of career as a pediatric occupational therapist, I have realized the importance of evidence for the acceptance of intervention by professional communities. I believe the strong evidence is not only necessary for ethical occupational therapy practice, but also for the profession’s identity. Although evidence on occupational therapy interventions is growing, the gap continues to exist. My research interests aim to generate evidence on pediatric occupational therapy interventions to inform occupational therapy practice. Occupational therapists support individuals to participate in daily occupations that they want and need to do. Occupational therapists view participation in occupations necessary for living healthy and satisfactory life. For children, participation in occupations is also necessary for their growth and development. Children with sensory processing disorder show decreased participation in daily occupations. Occupational therapists use several interventions based on the …show more content…

Currently, I am developing the manuscript summarizing the results of this study for publication. In addition, the results of this study were used to develop my dissertation study. The dissertation study aims to investigate the effect of sensory diets on children’s sensory processing skills, psychosocial skills, and engagement in classroom activities in children between ages of four to eleven years attending kindergarten to the fourth-grade class. I finished recruiting the participants for the study this month and scheduled to begin data collection in January

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